Accountancy & Bookkeeping- An overview

Book-keeping and accounting are different from each other. Bookkeeping is an important part of accounting. Accounting is broader than book-keeping. Accounting includes a design of accounting systems which book-keepers use for the preparation of financial statements, audits, cost studies, income-tax statements, etc.

It also facilitates the interpretation of accounting information for both internal and external users for business decisions making. It requires skills and experience of an accountant.

Payroll Services-An overview

Managed payroll services including salary payment, compliance management, and employee life cycle management. A company’s payroll is the list of employees of that company that are entitled to receive pay and the amounts that each should receive. Along with the amounts that each employee should receive for time worked or tasks performed, payroll can also refer to a company’s records of payments that were previously made to employees, including salaries and wages, bonuses, and withheld taxes, or the company’s department that calculates and pays out these amounts.

Let our experts manage your end-to-end payroll


We’ll do all the number crunching for your company and ensure error free salary calculations, expense reimbursements, benefits and retirement payouts, etc.


With our years of expertize in providing payroll outsourcing services to hundreds of companies, we’ll help you follow the best practices in compensation & compliance management.


We’ll manage the paperwork from employee onboarding till the exit to ensure you have a hassle free time from administrative functions.


Get the right insight and make key decisions with our comprehensive reports on salaries,headcount changes, time and attendance,leaves, loans, etc.

Data Entry

In brief, data entry is the work of entering a specific type of data into computer or any other electronic device using specific software. This work is done by expert data entry operators who have complete knowledge regarding data entry.

When someone wants to transform or change the format of any desired information and data, data entry work is performed and the information can be transcribed in the desired format. These formats generally include handwritten documents, spreadsheets, sequencing of numbers, computer codes, and even names and addresses.

Legal Documentation

Legal Notice

A formal communication to a person or entity informing him that you intend to undertake legal proceedings against him.

Founders' Agreement

An agreement to outline all the important aspects of the relationship between the founders.

Term Sheet

A term sheet reflects the broad consensus of two parties on material terms and conditions of a deal.

Shareholders' Agreement

An agreement governing shareholder rights and obligations, transfer of shares, how the company is going to be run and how important decisions are to be finalized.

Employment Agreement

An employment contract is necessary when hiring any employee or consultant, whether part-time of permanent.

Consultancy Agreement

An agreement that stipulates job requirements, time for completion, mode of payment and all other aspects related to the consultant.

Memorandum of Understanding

A contractual agreement in which two parties, a client and service provider, agree to terms and conditions that are to govern all transactions between them for the long-term.

Franchise Agreement

An agreement wherein the franchiser agrees to lend the trade name or business system to another person or entity (the franchisee).

Joint Venture Agreement

Such an agreement is legally binding and clearly lays down the areas of cooperation and divergence, and makes provisions for profit-sharing and operations.

Rental Agreement

The terms of the rental agreement bring clarity to the arrangement, such that the consideration, rights and obligations of both parties, and the rental term are established.

Service Level Agreement

A formal document between a service provider and the user that provides a measurable framework for the provision of that service.

Master Service Agreement

A contractual agreement in which two parties, a client and service provider, agree to terms and conditions that are to govern all transactions between them for the long-term.

Vendor Agreement

A comprehensive agreement covering various aspects of a relationship with a vendor, including quality of goods supplied, duration of contract and mode of payment.

Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

The terms of the rental agreement bring clarity to the arrangement, such that the consideration, rights and obligations of both parties, and the rental term are established.

Sale Deed

The agreement between you and the other party should cover comprehensively the terms on which the sale will take place and the date on which the sale will be completed.


A statement/notice informing the user of any product or service of the possible consequences of the same.

Business Documentation

A business uses documents and reports to share information, data and numbers to improve operations, management and sales, among other reasons. The term “business documents” usually refers to several types of documents and reports, each of which has different sections and content. Read about each type of document you wish to write before crafting the sections required.

Business Plans

A business plan is the first document a business owner writes prior to starting the business and offering services. A business plan document includes a description of the business, a list of services and products to be offered and a chart of the current management and departmental structures. In addition, it should also include a list of risks associated with running the business, a fully developed budget and sales forecasts.

Annual Reports

Annual reports are financial documents written by the accounting or financial department of a business once per year. This type of business document is written for investors and includes details of revenues and expenses, plus the total assets and liabilities of the company.

Business Reports

Business reports are written reports that share information or data, often in relation to research for a project, marketing campaign or new product launch. These types of reports include an introduction, a presentation of the data and research found, a list of suggestions of how the company can use the research or data for the project or marketing campaign in question and a conclusion that discusses the next steps.

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