
While keeping in mind the right target group, you start to comply with the information needs. Provide an ‘About us’ part, in which you explain your organisation, what you do and maybe something about products and services. Do not wander into less relevant information such as the entire history of your organisation. Rather provide a short, brief summary. It is also recommended to put a tagline on your homepage providing an overview of what your company stands for.

Also check the advantages of working for your company and think about the Unique Selling Points of your vacancies. What do you offer? Which type of information can convince the applicant (Desire)

The activities you enjoy doing in your free time can give you insight into the careers that would be satisfying, fulfilling and fun. To figure out your interests, ask yourself:

  • What hobbies do I enjoy?
  • Do I prefer spending time indoors or outdoors?
  • Do I enjoy working with people, animals, data or books?
  • What activities would I miss the most if I could no longer do them?

Right now, you possess skills that can help you succeed in the future. Think about your hard skills and soft skills.

  • Hard skills – skills you’ve acquired through study, such as culinary arts or computer programming.
  • Soft skills – the people and life skills you possess, including teamwork and time management.

Everyone has values or things that are important to them, such as financial security, social justice or work-life balance. These values can help you decide what type of career to pursue. Here instance, consider a career that pays well if you value financial security, and consider a 9-to-5 job if you want to achieve work-life balance.

benefits and rewards

Most employees don’t just work for the love of their job. Most people also want a decent salary and other incentives that will reward them for their hard work.

These remuneration packages need to be created, managed and distributed efficiently. This is where HR professionals that specialist in compensation and benefits get involved.

open positions

how can we help you?

Person who may be contacted in case of any queries or grievances:


Ram Kumar Shivhare
Dealer , TVS Bike

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